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EQ Is 400% More Powerful Than IQ

May 21, 2019

MBL Minute: MBL Podcast Update


Episode Notes


An update from the Master of Business Leadership Podcast


Hello again, 

This is Arthur Geringas - Executive Producer for the MBL Podcast.

When we  launched the The Master of Business Leadership Podcast in January of 2018 we weren’t really sure what to expect. What...

May 16, 2019

MBL Minute: Q And A How Do We Know Emotional Intelligence Training Is Needed


Episode Notes


In a look back to feature length Episode 34 "Deep Dive," Phil Johnson explains how the MBL Program addresses some areas of leadership training that are commonly missed and highlights cues to look for to know when someone...

May 14, 2019

MBL Minute: A New Earth And An Energy Physics Thesis


Episode Notes


A New Earth


In the 200,000 years of humanity’s relatively brief history we have created a cascade of effects that is permanently changing the planet by causing mass extinctions of plant and animal species, polluting the oceans and altered...

May 13, 2019

MBL Minute: Q And A What Differentiates Leaders From Managers


Episode Notes


In a visit to feature length Episode 34 "Deep Dive," Phil Johnson answers a questions posed about the differences between managing and leading.


Thanks so much for listening!  If you like the show please subscribe to Master of...

May 9, 2019

MBL Minute: Better Clients And Power And Agency


Episode Notes


Better Clients


When you do the emotional labor of developing your authenticity and emotional intelligence you will attract better clients.  Sometime you must be willing to do the emotional labor of telling your clients an uncomfortable truth that will...