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Welcome to the MBL Podcast!

EQ Is 400% More Powerful Than IQ

May 9, 2019

MBL Minute: Better Clients And Power And Agency


Episode Notes


Better Clients


When you do the emotional labor of developing your authenticity and emotional intelligence you will attract better clients.  Sometime you must be willing to do the emotional labor of telling your clients an uncomfortable truth that will help them get better results.  If they are unable or unwilling to embrace the truth of then move on to those that will.  What you do is not for everyone.  It is for those clients that are ready for the better results you provide.


Power and Agency


We all have a primal need to feel safe.  Most people know what they would like to change.  The reason they do not make those changes is because they feel that whatever they are doing now is protecting them.  It is their way of coping even if they are miserable in the perceived safety it provides.  People would rather stay in a familiar place even if that place is unpleasant.











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