Mar 31, 2018
MBL Minute: The 333 Hitter
Episode Notes
Spring is in the air … finally. It's baseball season!
The difference between a baseball player with a 333 batting average versus one with a 250 average may surprise you. The 333 player is very important to his team’s success. He may be the team’s franchise player...
Mar 29, 2018
MBL Minute: Questions About Emotional Intelligence
Episode Notes
Phil Johnson answers some questions posed to the MBL about emotional intelligence and our need to train our habits that relate to our EI.
Thanks so much for listening! If you like the show please subscribe to “Master of Business Leadership” and rate...
Mar 27, 2018
MBL Minute: The Tailor's Tale
Episode Notes
The first MBL Minute highlights a tale that illustrates the power that can be created when we learn to connect with our authenticity while doing the emotional labor required to develop our emotional intelligence. This is a great story but the conclusion the zen master makes...
Mar 26, 2018
Episode #6: Happiness and Emotional Intelligence
Episode Notes
Dopamine (Anticipation), Serotonin (Popularity), Oxytocin (Trust)
These are our brain’s three main “happiness” neuro chemicals.
Dopamine is sometimes referred to as the “anticipation” neuro-chemical. It is released in our body by the...
Mar 12, 2018
Episode #5: Out Care The Competition
Episode Notes
Sales is not about selling. It is about developing deep, trusted advisor relationships with your clients. The real purpose of money is to move wealth around. Money and wealth are not the same thing. The disadvantage of looking at money as wealth is that it...